De te fabula narratur!
(Horace, Satires) cited by Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867
And the paranoid builds it again, not more splendid, it is true, but at least so that he can once more live in it. He builds up by the work of his delusions. The delusional formation, which we take to be pathological product, is in reality an attempt at recovery, a process of reconstruction.
Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen über einen autobiographisch beschriebenen Fall von Paranoia (Dementia paranoides), 1911
(translated by Andrew Webber, The Schreber Case, Penguin Books)
People are strange, when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven, when you're down
When you're strange -faces come out of the rain
When you're strange -no one remembers your name
When you're strange, when you're strange, when you're strange
The Doors, People Are Strange, 1967
YanıtlaSilGeçen gün Julıa Krısteva'nın depresyon ve melankoli üzerine yazdığı ve kendi açımdan dev noktalara değindiğini düşündüğüm Kara Güneş başlıklı kitabı yeniden okudum. Kitaba genel olarak hakim olmam mümkün değildi elbette ama baştan sona okudum ve anlamaya çalıştım. İlk bölümüne blog sayfamdan ulaşabilirsiniz:
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